Ep 21: Stop Hiding Your Cancellation Process

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The Power of Transparent Cancellation Processes in Membership Ownership

When I work with clients, I emphasize the importance of refining their cancellation process, just like bookends that complete the membership experience.

Recently, I discovered that a client had trouble finding the cancellation button on their site even during our onboarding call. This is a common issue. Hiding the cancellation button may seem like a good idea, but it has a negative impact on your membership.

Before we look into the reasons why you shouldn't hide the cancellation button, it's important to note that some state laws and likely, a future national law, require online membership site owners to make the cancellation process easy, allowing people to cancel with just their email address. So now is a good time to revisit your cancellation process.

3 Reasons To Not Hide The Cancellation Button

By not hiding the cancellation button, it can actually benefit you and your customers!  

1. Information is power!

If someone is considering leaving your program, wouldn't you want to know why? Understanding their concerns, struggles, or dissatisfaction gives you an opportunity to improve your program and support them better. Getting this information sooner rather than later is valuable.

2. Cancellations present resell opportunities.

A good cancellation process can re-engage members by reminding them of the program's benefits and rebuilding their belief in the program and themselves. It highlights the progress they've made and provides an opportunity to save the right people. Sometimes members are overwhelmed, confused, or not receiving the expected value, and we can intervene and save them.

3. Customer experience is your brand. 

No matter how impressive your graphics, messaging, or sales pages are, your brand is determined by the overall customer experience. The cancellation process is an extension of that experience, and it's the last thing members will remember. Studies show that the last experience has a lasting impact. If the cancellation process is frustrating, members will leave with a negative perception of your brand. We want to leave them with an elevated view of our brand even after cancellation.

Think of the cancellation process as a hotel checkout experience. Hotels make it smooth and seamless because they want you to have such a great experience that you choose their chain again in the future. They consider every aspect, from registration to checkout, to ensure your satisfaction. Similarly, your membership cancellation process should leave a positive impression and offer opportunities for future engagement.

Don’t Hide The Cancellation Button

Use it as a chance to gather information, resell the value of your program, and provide a memorable experience. Treat canceled members as alumni or potential referrals instead of disregarding them. Refine your cancellation process, considering the new California law, and turn it into an opportunity for growth and improvement.

If you don't even have a cancellation process or haven't thought about how it fits into the larger member journey, we need to chat. Apply to work together!

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